Microdermabrasion Process

Connect power to the mains and switch it on Press the power button to start the device Select an appropriate diamond head to connect with the mainframe and put a special filter mesh into the diamond head. If suction is too weak you will have to replace mesh during treatment Adjust the suction, for the…


We need to understand how the skin changes as we age and what the major influences are, then we can effectively combat the signs of ageing. The major factors:   Intrinsic: internal influences due to the passing of time, hereditary factors Repetitive expression movements (smile and frown lines) Family history Ethnic background Sleep patterns Stress…


To understand treatments and to become a successful skilled therapist who delivers fully effective treatments there is a necessary need to understand some fundamental points: How does healthy skin work? Skin function and structure What are contributory factors to an individual ageing What treatments can be practically, safely and effectively both in-salon and back at…


Microdermabrasion is a non-chemical, non-invasive exfoliation procedure that uses a spray of microcrystals driven by airflow are used to abrade the skin to remove the outermost layer of dry, dead skin cells and reveal younger, healthier-looking skin.   Dermabrasion is a more intensive procedure used to treat deeper facial lines, extreme sun damage, and scars.  It…


Information is obtained between yourself and your client at the consultation stage, by asking questions and examining the client’s area which is to be treated.  Always keep eye contact with your client, listen carefully, and note the answers given to you.  By doing this you are building trust with your client and also showing them,…

The apperance of therapist

Ergonomics Posture is important, whether you are sitting or standing up to do a treatment.  Try to find a working position that is most comfortable for you to reduce the need for yourself to overstretch or lean over to just one side.   Using height adjustable treatment chairs and couches help reduce this from happening,…


There are three forms of decontamination to learn. Sterilisation – Is to free tools and equipment from living organisms. It kills all micro-organisms, fungal, viral, and bacterial and their spores. All tools, treatment tables, and apparatus should be cleaned regularly with warm water then disinfection detergent. Tools should be cleaned in warm soapy water then…

Health & Safety

Any person/s dealing with members of the public must be made aware of health and safety laws.   Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 This is legislation that gives rights to employees and employers. The Health and Safety at Work Act ensures that employers and employees maintain high standards of health and safety in…

The Olfactory System

The Olfactory System is basically the body’s system of smell and it begins at the roof of the mouth and nasal cavity.  Tiny molecules of aroma are inhaled by the nose and are trapped in the nose by hair like nerve endings that pass the aroma on to receptors. These are then carried to the…