Microneedling Live Sessions
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Dermaplaning Pen Download Link (click to download material)
Dermapen Microneedling Download Link (click to download material)
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The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 These regulations are commonly referred to as RIDDOR and their main purpose is to alert the enforcing authorities to incidents and causes of ill health that may need further investigation. There second role is to collate statistics and to assist in the implementation of…
What is No Needle Filler The treatment involves the use of a handheld device to push hyaluronic acid into the skin through air pressure. The molecules in hyaluronic acid are smaller than those used in dermal filler and are therefore able to pass through the skin quickly and effectively causing minimal discomfort. What is Hyaluronic…
Lip Anatomy Anatomy The vermillion border is the demarcation between the less keratinised pink vermillion of the lip epidermis and the highly keratinised skin of the epidermis. The cupids bow is the central part of the upper lip with two peaks at the philtral column. The cupids bow contributes to the natural shape of the…
Skin Anatomy The skin is the largest organ of the body. Cells have an average life span of 19 – 34 days. The average person is covered by 2 ½ square yards of skin that weighs around 9 pounds. The average human grows about 1000 completely new outer skins during a lifetime. Red blood cells…